Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sleep Over at Grandmommy and Grandpa's

Jared was so excited to spend the night at my parents house. Bryce doesn't let him spend the night very often. He helped pack his bag and clean his room so he could go.

slide show

Cherry Creek

Over spring break we went camping at Cherry Creek. There happen to be a race down there over the weekend so we went and watched it start. It was really neat to see all the bikes coming at you. The first heat we where down lower and almost go hit by some of the bikes. I had Jared on my lap while I was trying to stand up and run in sand. If you have ever tried to run in sand you know it is not easy. Jared loved seeing all the bikes ride pass us. We saw some people crash. Amber, Justin and Dad had two people crash right in front of them.

We had some killer fires!!!

Holy cow did Jared have a clean spot on him? I think not!!! Aubree and my mom came up and Jared was in heaven.
This is Justin trying to ride my bike. I tried to show him but couldn't so my dad had to show him.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grandpa's and Grandmommy's house on Easter

The night before Easter it snowed. So Grandmommy helped Jared build a snowman. Jared still is talking about the carrot nose.

Easter Egg Hunt

The boys got tons of candy and toys.

Cory's birthday party

Grandma got out the old car mat that Bryce used to play with. Jared loved it.

day care ouches

When I went to pick the boys up my daycare lady was sad to tell me that Jared got hurt. He just woke up from a nap and was wobbly he fell into a toy box. The cut is finally going away. She felt so bad.

Provo Easter Egg Hunt

Grandpa, Dad, and Mom took Jared to the Easter egg hunt. It was so cold :( Jared wouldn't pick up the eggs so I just started putting some in his basket. I wasn't going to but Bryce told me to start because the eggs were going fast.

Play Ground

After feeding the ducks we walked over to my school to play. We had fun until he fell back and got hurt.

Feeding Ducks

My mom and I took Jared to Salem pond to feed the ducks while Grandpa watched Conner. I love having one on one time with the boys. It doesn't happen very often.

Monday, April 5, 2010

dress up

Jared loves putting on our shoes but here he is putting on my tights and shoes!!! He is going to kill me for blogging these pictures. But I laughed when I caught him putting them on.

having fun

Jared and Cade

Grandpa and Conner (Sarah sitting next to them)

Justin and Jared