Sunday, January 30, 2011


Last week Jared had to give a talk in primary on Scriptures are the word of God. We practiced all week long. The day of the talk he fought us going to church he kept saying I am not talking in the microphone. Bryce gave him a key and he went and sat down by his teacher. A little boy said the prayer and then a little girl said the scripture then it was Jared's turn, I didn't know if he would go up or not but he did. I went up with him and told him what to say when we got to the story the of The Good Samaritan he would repeat some of what I said plus throw in some of his own words. We got to were the robbers beat up the guy and he yelled into the mic "and he DIED" I hurried and corrected him and said he was dying. It was so cute everyone loved his talk so many people told me they needed to hear his talk.

Today Bryce had to speak in sacrament. I am glad it was him and not me. I would tell them no. He did a great job he related his talk to his job. For example he said that reading your scriptures or prayer can become routine just like traffic stops and that is when you can get hurt or killed. If your prayers or scripture studies become routine then you will not get everything you could out of them. Many people came up to me and said it was good to hear from Bryce and that the message was great, they loved how he told stories and related it to his job. Plus he kept saying he needed work on these areas which people were glad they aren't the only ones that needed to improve.


Jill Marie, Angela and Mindi said...

Really neat! I beat it was so cute, listening to your little guy talk!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for stopping and visiting my blog and putting me on your blog roll. :o)