Friday, June 1, 2012

Sleep Over

Kyler slept over and they boys each got a bowl of candy and popcorn. They watched Cars 2. Once the movie was over I put Conner to bed. I put the timer on for Jared and Kyler to finish talking then told them they had to go to bed. I came back in after the timer they were talking. I told them if they got caught again then one of them would have to sleep in Jared's room. They ended up going to be after that.

 Jared and Kyler wanted to get donuts the next morning so we ran down to Macey to get some. The boys had fun picking out which ones they wanted.

 Both boys ate 2 donuts.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

What a great idea for using the timer. I'm going to have to try that trick :)